CRV Have you ever been accused of any of the following: Purchasing wet cans Site history Incorrect Inspections Prohibit Baling Previously baled containers Using more than 1 pen on logs Incomplete Logs Overwriting/White-out on logs Fraud Cancellations Letters Missing names/signatures Daily Summaries Out of state/Rejected Containers Withholding reimbursements for recyclers & processors Misinterpretation & application of regulation (underground regulation) Payment Reduction for commingled loads Scales not sealed Splitting Tickets
With division inspectors swarming over processor locations in the past month, recyclers have received a significant number of violations. Many have been without foundation or a violation of the regulations. To prevent this, we have created a basic training program in both english and spanish. Please call or email for information.
E-waste California Use Only I.D. each person by type Payment Denials