We will save you time and money by:
• Teaching you the regulatory process. Not everything, just what you need.
• Give you the instructions to protect your investment. Businesses are shut down because they don't know the law!
• Supply guidance and reminders to avoid fines (Net Cost Report, DTSC Handler, DR6 Reports, DR7 Reports, E-waste & CRV Payments).
• Inform and provide analysis of proposed legislation and regulation changes. We talk to the agencies for you.
• Teach you the format to make your comments effective and heard. This dictates how you study the regulations and helps you control the process.
• Drill you on the differences between regulation vs. underground regulation. They tell you things that aren't the law!
• Prevent your employees from making avoidable violations by developing simple manuals, signage, documents, etc.
• Advocate on your behalf because some fear government retaliation.
• Prepare you for the future! You'll hear about changes by CalRecycle, DTSC, DOC, Weights & Measures, etc.
• Got a related issue and need help with the research? We will help you.